Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hello Strangers!

Ok, so I have been a very bad blogger!!! Life has been as busy as I am and I just haven't made the time to write about my adventures.

Here is a little movie that shows what I have been up to.....

I promise more to follow soon!!!


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hanging with the 'Rents

Hello!!! Long time no blog (there may be a correlation between this and mom's final schedule). I am almost 14 months old and as busy as ever. I don't think I have any new tricks, just getting better at the old ones! I am talking more and more, walking more and more, and learning to express myself better. I have gotten "more" down pat!! I really like to point to show Mom and Dad what it is I want. I have been walking outside a lot more too and it is great, as long as I don't have to be in the grass because I don't like to get dirty or maybe it is the uneven terrain. The sunshine sure has been great though!

My best friend is definitely my dog. I love Darwin so much!! Mom bought me a little stuffed animal that looks kind of like him and I like to pick it up and squeeze it!! The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is look for Darwin. When he is outside I go to the window and pound on it until he comes over to see me. He is a really good sport because I can get kind of rough... pulling his hair, etc.

My hair is getting pretty long and it is still curly! I must have gotten it from my Grandma Lisa or my Grandpa Ed. I am also getting my molars which HURT!!!! All in all, I am really starting to look like a little boy and less like a baby. I can't wait to grow taller so I can reach all the stuff Mom and Dad try to keep away from me.

Other news.... I got to play with a bunch of women at Danika's wedding shower, hang out with Grandma Pam while my parents went out for Mike's birthday, and am looking forward to a weekend in Sunriver with Gina and Andy!! Next Friday is my great-grandpa's 83rd birthday and my mom's whole family is getting together for dinner. I really like seeing my great aunts and great uncles, so I can't wait!! April 4th I have to have surgery which is not going to be fun but the doctors promise they do this procedure all the time and my parents shouldn't worry too much.

That is about it for me! Here are some pics of me with my parents and my stuffed Darwin doll......

Saturday, February 17, 2007

1yr Old and Lovin' It!!

So as most of you readers know, I recently had a bithday and am now a whole year old!!!! I didn't celebrate much on the actual day because I was really sick :-( I am feeling much better and have been trying out all sorts of new stuff to celebrate my foray into toddlerdom......

Because I am getting older, Mom decided it is time for me to try spoon feeding myself. It was soooooo fun!!! I proceeded to smear it all over my face, my tray, and my clothes. How cool is that?? I manage to get some food in my mouth and I am pretty good with a spoon.

As soon as I was feeling better, Mom and Dad decided it was time to take a little adventure to rejuvenate. So we went to the beach! This was not my first time but it was the first time I got to run in the sand. I laughed and ran all over the place!!! I was kept trying to get into the water and had my parents chasing me all over. I can not wait to go back!!

Yesterday, we went to lunch with one of Moms friends from Planned Parenthood and then I got to go see where she works!! Her boss Christina is very nice!!!! And, Carmen was great too.

Today I went to the Portland Chinese Classical Gardens with my Uncle Mike and Mom. She got some neat plants and I got to run around!! I really like to play outside, and the weather today is just perfect for that. In fact, I think there is some fun to be had before it gets dark!
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bubbles or Cake? Bubbles of Course!!

Mmmmm bubbles! Maybe I am kind of silly but I have tested cake and I have tested bubbles, and I have to say I really prefer bubbles. I suppose this may need some explanation...... Lets start with some fun updates.

I am officially a walker now. I spend more time on my two feet than on my knees!!! I even walked outside the other day for the first time. I still fall and crawl sometimes, but it is so great to be cruising along standing up!! The things I have access to now, it is a whole new world!

I have been talking a lot more and eating more and more grown up food. I even boycott the jar food because I want what Mom and Dad are eating. I love tofu, oranges, corn, and yogurt. I have also been trying to play with Darwin with out biting him. He is so fun. I really like to pull his tail. I wonder what he would like better? My biting or tail pulling?

I am fast approaching my first birthday, how exciting is that?????? So hard to believe I have been blogging for a whole year!!! Thanks to all of you for keeping up with my growing, changing, and turning into a little man!!! It has truly been an amazing year.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Busy busy busy me

Phew! It is finally calming down a bit at my house..... Christmas is over, the new year is here, and NFL playoffs are well under way. Mom goes back to school today and starts her work with Planned Parenthood on Tuesday. Uncle Greg has been in his new house for about 2 weeks and Dad is working on the house. All the Christmas stuff is put away, so the house is Liam proof again. Everything is getting back to normal.

I am walking a lot more and with out being bribed!! I think I am really starting to get the hang of it. Of course, I am still wobbely but much better than before. I can step sideways and forward, bend at my waist, and stand up from a sit. Pretty cool stuff! I am WAY fast when I hold onto furniture.

My other favorite new activity is to test Mom and Dad. There are certain cupboards and drawers that I know I am not supposed to get into and when I do, they tell me no. My response has been to look at them, smile very very big and go ahead with whatever it was I was doing before. So far this hasn't been working as well as I would like, hence the use of the tantrum. Dad calls it my washing machine dance. I fling my arms up in the air and flail wildly!!!!

We went on a super long bike ride this weekend. We went all the way to REI and then back home. I slept most of the way. I am really starting to like my helmet. Devaki is coming over to watch me on Thursday and she is going to take me on a ride too!! So fun! Because Mom is going to be working Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, Devaki is going to start coming over every Thursday and play with me. I can not wait!!! If anyone is interested in Tuesday afternoons, please let Mom know.

Here is a picture of me at bath time, quite possibly my favorite time of day (besides morning when I play in bed with Mom and Dad). I keep hearing how skinny I am getting... I think it is because I am so busy with my crawling, climbing, and walking. I love keeping my parents busy chasing me all over!!

I am eating pretty much everything that big people eat now. Last night we went to dinner at Uncle Greg's and I had spaghetti with garlic bread, mmm mmm!! I still think yogurt is my favorite food but I am pretty good about trying everything. I had a grilled cheese sandwhich for the first time this weekend and I can not wait to try milk. That happens after my 1st birthday, which is less than a month away!!! Unbelievable!! Me, a whole year old.... how cool is that?

Monday, January 01, 2007

My First Christmas!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!!!! My goodness it has been a very busy couple of weeks... it seems as though I haven't had a second to sit down and blog about my adventures until now.

I have done everything from tree hunting to riding a train to ripping through mounds of paper. I have got to meet some of my moms old friends, Clara came back from Moldova and Shainah (who I know from before) came in from Chicago. We went to Zoo Lights with some of my dads family and Emily. It was so much fun, even though if you were to look at all the pictures of my face it looks like I am scared. It was very chilly but the lights were very bright and the train around the zoo was great.

I went to dinner at Clara's parents house and the Falks house. I love getting to see everyone!!! It is just great.

Christmas was so incredible... so many boxes, so many toys and so much paper to rip through. We went to my dad's aunt and uncles house for Christmas Eve and then to my grandparents house. Christmas morning we spent here at home and uncle and grandpa came over. Then we went to my great-grandpas house with Mike. I am just now getting back on my normal sleep schedule but it was definitely worth it - so great to see everyone!!

I got a rocket from my great-grandpa that talks to me and lets me know when astroids are near, I think that might be a tie with the cell phone uncle Greg got me as my favorite new toy. Everything I got is great, though, so it is really hard for me to pick... I think it is best to play with one for a little bit and then another and another and another...