Monday, September 18, 2006

The Zoo Rocks!

Here are some pictures from my first trip to the zoo!! Mom just bought a membership, so we can go all the time! We went with Danika and Ben on Saturday. The weather was perfect zoo weather and we saw so many animals. My favorite was by far the Orangutan....

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My New Milestone

So, it has been awhile and I have not been keeping up with my blog because it is BUSY around here!!! I have been to Eastern Oregon, several parties, a board meeting, and visiting all sorts of friends from here and afar!

I think my biggest news is that I can pull myself up to standing!!!!! Once I get to that point I like to let go and try to stand up all by myself... this part is still in need of lots of practice. I use the coffee table, the dining room chairs, Darwin's coat, and friends pant legs. I have had a couple spills and a few bruises to show for my efforts but all in all it seems to be going pretty well.

I am enjoying more and more solid food. Tofu is super yummy! Today I had a bowl of tofu with miso broth at lunch because we went to sushi with Grandma Pam. Mom dumped some water on the table for me to splash, it is probably one of my favorite things to do.

Mom and Dad have been very busy trying to baby proof the house. There was a lot of stuff that was just right for my height, so they had their work cut out for them. They keep saying the house hasn't been this clean in months.

Well, I will try to do a better job keeping updates coming and in the meantime back to crawling and climbing for me... I think I see some stuff they missed :-)

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