Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Spreading the Good Word

Here I am modeling my new onesie! My good friend Margaret is off to Kathmandu to help out MercyCorps in their continuing effort to provide aid around the world... For more information check out their website!

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

8 Months and Counting

Hi Everyone, I hit the 8 month mark! Hard to believe that I am that old!! I have been spending a lot of time with my Uncle Greg, Dad, and honing my crawling/bouncing/standing skills. In this picture I am hanging out with Dad in my pen. Mom swears it is going to be the key to her getting through grad school! I like it because I can push it along the floor and it is big enough for me to crawl around in it.
I am eating more and more real food. Here I am trying to get some cheerios into my mouth! Spaghetti is one of my new favorites. Ice cream is pretty good too. My bottom two teeth are almost all the way in and my top two are just starting to show! This is going to help expand my food selection a bunch!!

Other cool new thing is how much air I can get in my johnny jump-up! I look kind of like a little river dancer bouncing ALL OVER!! I even bounce while holding onto the table.... It is soooooooo much fun! I can get the jump-up to swing around and around too. Dad tried to help me one morning but it made me a little woozie.

I crawl, climb, and get into everything!! I am getting to be pretty fast too. I can walk all around the coffee table and really enjoy climbing on the tv. My new game is to see how fast I can get up before Mom or Dad picks me up. This is me on the go! Speaking of which Mom is looking the other way, gotta run.... Posted by Picasa