Monday, November 27, 2006

A Big Adventure and San Diego Part 1

Hello, hello! This has been some week!! It all started on Thursday with my first Thanksgiving. We went to Kevin and Mary's house for dinner. Aunt Mary made me this very cute pilgrims hat in celebration. I had such a good time seeing everyone and getting to try all the yummy food. I got to sit in my new high chair that clips onto the table. I spent the whole time during dinner kicking and rocking the table. It made me laugh to see Mom, Dad and Mike jumping to try and catch spilling liquids. Because Mike's family lives far away he came with us, my great-grandpa liked him so much he invited him to come to Christmas too!

On Friday morning we got up very early and Grandpa Rick drove us to the airportso we could go to San Diego for Anne and Ben's wedding. I have never been to the airport and it was neat to see everyone running around with all their luggage. We ran into a couple of Mom's friends and then set off for the gate. Our first leg was to San Francisco and luckily the plane wasn't very full. I got to have my own seat. My parents were a little worried how I would react because I have a bit of a cold and have never done it before. I slept the whole way! They didn't need to worry at all!! I woke up after the plane landed and then got to play in SFO for a bit, until we loaded the next plane for San Diego. We arrived in San Diego, got our rental car, and were off to find Anne so Mom could get to the rehearsal in time. After the rehearsal, we all went to dinner on a big boat that went around the marina. After dinner we were all so tired it was off to bed at the big house on the beach!!

Saturday was all sorts of chaos! It was mom's birthday and Anne's wedding. I spent the morning with Mom and Dad, until Mom had to go off for wedding stuff. While she was away Dad and I met up with Danika and Ben. We went to Balboa Park and walked all over (I slept most of the time). Then it was off to La Jolla for the wedding. It was a very nice wedding and there were so many babies to play with!!! I had a very good time. After the reception, it was time to go back to the house to sleep.

My favorite day so far has definitely been Sunday! We went to the San Diego Zoo with Ben and Danika. As my friend Ben says it is way better than our zoo. I saw panda bears, giant gorillas, monkeys, polar bears, koalas, lions, bears, and so much more. Again the orangutans were my favorite, they even had a baby one!!! He was about my size but much better at getting around. I had so so so much fun at the zoo!!!!!

Today we are heading over to Coronado and Littly Italy to explore some more. It has been sunny until this morning when the rains came in. Oh, well... we are still going to get in as much of San Diego as we can!! Got to run, we are off for some pizza! Posted by Picasa

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