Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My First Trip to the Beach

On Friday my mom decided it would be a good idea to go watch the sun set at the beach. So, we packed up Darwin, picked up dad and went to Cannon Beach. It was kind of cold but I had a lot of fun riding in my Baby Bjorn. I can't wait until I am old enough to ride looking outwards! While it is very comfortable to lay my head on dad's fleece, I just can't see very much. After our walk on the beach and playing some fetch with Darwin, we stopped at Mo's for dinner to go. It was a lot of fun!

Last night was moms first day back in school, so I stayed at home with dad. I really like dad and me time, I stayed awake and talked to him almost the whole time. Well, it is sunny outside so mom and I are headed out to do some weeding! Posted by Picasa