Monday, April 24, 2006

Picture Time!

Here I am... almost 3 months old and getting bigger everyday. My Mom made me pose in a couple different outfits this weekend, so she could get some new pictures. Since my parents have a digital camera, they take lots and lots of pictures.

I have been busy growing and learning to kick my feet. My favorite thing to do is sit in my bouncy chair and kick the animals that hang down. It makes me laugh, squeal and yell because it is so much fun. My other favorite activity is standing (with the help of a big person, of course!). My legs are getting super strong!

My parents got a new car, so I have been spending a lot of time in it. It is a volvo and it has a rear seat that will be a lot of fun when I am old enough.

This weekend was busy!! Friday night I had my first night of babysitting!!! Grandma came over while Mom and Dad went to the movies. It was a blast. I love Grandma a lot! Then on Saturday we had dinner with Gina and Andy. It was delish and I got to show off my little legs. We had a bbq on Sunday because the weather was so nice. It was great to see some of my aunties!
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1 comment:

The Mr_Baby Hour said...

He's so damn cute! I'm impressed by your computer skills! How did you make that picture????