Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Kitchen Sink is a Great Place to Bathe

Hello everyone... here I am in the kitchen sink sitting in my bumbo chair while mom hoses me off with the water. I love my chair! I sit in it to eat, to play, and sometimes just to take a break from all the rolling and scooting I have been doing. I am getting more and more active all the time! My latest trick is to plant my head in the ground and kick my legs. I can roll over (still to the one side, and only from my back to my tummy) but now I can rotate a full 360 on my belly!!!! It is great to be able to move more. I am also grabbing a lot more and using less pinching movements. Eating has been going very well. I am now enjoying sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, pears, apples, peaches, bananas, and mixed grain cereal. I LOVE to make a mess with my food! My mom put a lot more pictures on the web galleries... so check it out!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute pictures! I love the seat thing and have a friend who has one. They can be so useful! Thanks again for the photos. I love the updates!!!